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Join us at Transition Days for an afternoon of co-creation!

During this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to work with other people from Luxembourg City and the surrounding area on a specific challenge that’s close to your heart. You’ll brainstorm solutions and work together to co-create a concrete local project that solves the challenge. The afternoon will end with a series of presentations by each group to showcase their outstanding projects!

No experience is necessary to participate, all you need is motivation, an open mind and a desire to work with others to solve a problem.

The Challenges

Discover the challenges below. When you arrive, you can choose which table you’d like to join. All challenges with at least 4 participants can take place, so don’t forget to invite your friends!

Vivre ensemble

Living Together

  • BOOST Riding the Rainbow: Riding the Rainbow is a digital platform to facilitate solidarity, integration and the circular economy. How can we broaden the application’s relevance to reach other categories of beneficiaries and services?
  • How can we breathe new life into our neighborhoods through meeting spaces?
Finance solidaire

Solidarity finance

  • How can we support citizen finance initiatives and convince more citizens to get involved?

Food/Living Together

  • How can we develop a community restaurant and café offering simple, local meals and creating social links?

Circular economy

  • How can we set up a second-hand store?
Santé/bien veillir

Aging well

  • What services should be put in place to meet the needs of isolated elderly people?
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